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Tuesday, 12 April 2016

What Do You Mean / Epic AirBoard Dance Cover


How to buy a hoverboard that won't catch fire


Hoverboard shopping


Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Easy Hoverboard Tricks for Beginners


The Benefit and use of a self-balancing scooter

The benefits and uses of electronic scooters and self-balancing hoverboards Eco friendly Self-balancing scooters use lithium-ion batteries and are consequently inherently zero-emission machines which can operation both inside and outside, thus multiplying their usability. With governments, companies, and individuals feeling pressure to limit their carbon footprint, electronic...

Top 5 Best Self-Balancing Hoverboards of 2016

Top 5 Best Self-Balancing Hoverboards of 2016 1. Swagway X1 Swagway easily takes the prize for best product name, but beyond that minor detail, also offers some of the best performance among self-balancing scooters in terms of speed and travel time. This scooter has a max speed of 10 Mph, and gets about 5 hours...

How to ride a hoverboard

Step 1: Getting on the hoverboard. First and foremost, make sure your self balancing scooter is charged. You can’t learn how to ride on a dead hoverboard. Turn the power on and put it on the ground in front of you, with the LED lights facing forward (honestly, there’s really no true front or back, but we just think it looks weird with the LED lights facing backwards). If...

Friday, 4 March 2016

Hoverboard - Self-balancing Scooter

Technically, a hoverboard is a levitating platform (that looks like a skateboard without wheels) that can be used for personal transportation. The term was invented for the movie Back to the Future II, where protagonist Marty McFly travels into the future to discover that teenagers are riding on levitating boards without wheels. Although self-balancing scooters...