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Tuesday, 22 March 2016
The Benefit and use of a self-balancing scooter
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The benefits
and uses of electronic scooters and self-balancing hoverboards
Eco friendly
Self-balancing scooters
use lithium-ion batteries and are consequently inherently zero-emission
machines which can operation both inside and outside, thus multiplying their
usability. With governments, companies, and individuals feeling pressure to
limit their carbon footprint, electronic transportation is becoming an
increasingly popular and environmentally friendly alternative.
Fuel costs and car
maintenance costs continue to escalate making the electronic scooter an
attractive alternative means of transportation. The price of hoverboards and
scooter technologies and maintenance is also decreasing which in turn is
reducing their costs to customers, whilst the same cannot be said for the
automobile industry and its associated costs.
They make
jobs easier
As detailed below, a
range of industries are employing self-balancing scooters in order to increase
productivity and reduce human energy exertion and time consumption. Everyone
from law enforcement officials to gas meter inspectors and delivery people are
utilising the benefits of electronic hoverboards and integrating in to their
day to day operations.
They can
access areas the other vehicles can’t
Microchip Technology’s
Portland base utilizeselectronic transportation for its two fold advantage of
reducing human effort and workload and maintaining purity and cleanliness.
Their connection freeway is perfectly designed for self-balancing scooters to
ferry people and resources with zero contamination across their campus.
Medical care
and security provision
Not only do law
enforcement officers use the self-balancing scooters but security at sporting
events and live festivals have begun using them. The improved vantage point
provides an additional advantage in field of vision and the speed of
hoverboards ensures they can act promptly and efficiently.
In Chicago, a two person
paramedic team patrols the city and can administer emergency aid with revolutionary
speed as also seen in Salt Lake City where electronic boards are used to access
congested areas otherwise inaccessible by vehicle.
self-balancing scooters have been put to inspired use as part of bomb disposal
squads across the globe with full-loaded bomb disposal technicians able to
easily manoeuvre their extra 120 pounds of protective gear with relative ease
and bomb disposal technicians able to conserve their energy and concentration
for their intricate operations.
As gas prices continue to
rise and environmental responsibility and its associated costs continue to
increase and as more and more industries, governments and individuals explore
the potential of self-balancing scooters the use of personal electronic
transportation is only set to increase in the future and their disruption to
the status quo will continue with their potential limited only by the expanse
of the human minds operating them.
Top 5 Best Self-Balancing Hoverboards of 2016
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Top 5 Best Self-Balancing Hoverboards of 2016
Swagway is a good option for beginners and experts alike, too, as it also comes
out of the box with a beginner mode, which limits max speed for easier
learning. This can be toggled by pressing the power button twice. Like all the
other models on this list, the Swagway offers some other built-in safety
features, like the off-balance notification feature. If you put only one foot
on the device, it will shake to inform you it cannot go forward in this manner,
preventing misuse. This model also has LED lights that blink like turning
signals when you turn, then return to solid lights in the direction of your
travel, be it forwards or backwards.
first generation product is not without its flaws, however, the first of which
being the nearly ubiquitous 220 pound limit for riders, as well as some added
balancing challenge for taller riders. Learning this device is still possible
for anyone with practice, but if you are over 6 feet tall, be prepared for
added challenge. On top of that, the plastic body scratches easily, meaning
that the Swagway won’t be the best show floor piece. These minor gripes aside,
the Swagway X1 promises a lot of fun and utility behind its rather hefty price
tag, and is definitely a worthwhile experience.
battery offers enough of a charge to go about 12 miles, but charge timer is a
little longer to compensate (about 2 hours). An included wireless remote lets
you power the device on or off, plus toggle the beginner mode and enable the
built-in Bluetooth speakers. This scooter also offers safety features like LED
turning lights, plus the remote for easier control, and is UL Safety Certified
like all other models on this list.
a top speed of 8 Mph, you’ll be able to go as fast you would want to (it is a
bit spooky going any faster than that), and you will be up and riding with
confidence in minutes even though there is no beginner mode. Its normal-sized
6.5-inch wheels don’t take on rough terrain like the inflatable tires of the
Skque board, but offer a fantastic grip and some of the best riding out there
on rugged terrain.
you grew up in the ’90s or ’00s, odds are you remember Razor as the company
that brought scooters into the new millennium. Since then, scooters have gone
from action sport fad to a personal transportation revolution. The Hovertrax is
Razor’s entry into this new self-balancing scooter market, and with their name
brand you get superior build quality. The scooter is made from a
shatter-resistant polymer frame that comes in red or blue, and has more durable
internal plastics than other models.
a battery that lasts up to 115 minutes and a top speed of 6 Mph, you can travel
decently with the Hovertrax, but these specs are definitely dwarfed by other
hoverboards. The silver lining of this is that the lower max speed and battery
time might actually be a good thing if this hoverboard is intended for a
younger child who might not be able to put down this amazing new toy unless its
battery goes out on it. For everyone else, this will be a downside, but will
definitely worth it if you are concerned about picking a hoverboard that is
appreciated is the addition of crucial safety features, including an
off-balance notification. This is a warning vibration that you will feel if you
try to step on the unit while it is not level, or if try to ride it on too
steep of a slope. Keep in mind this is something that all top quality
hoverboards have. In an effort to give the rider more control, the Hovertrax has
a fairly aggressive braking system, but this is somewhat of a shortcoming for
less coordinated riders, as the force of stopping can easily throw you off if
you aren’t well-balanced.
lights and other safety features complete the package, and if you are willing
to make the minor time investment of learning to move on these wily devices,
you are in for a real treat by going with this well-rounded option.
How to ride a hoverboard
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Step 1: Getting on the hoverboard.
First and foremost, make
sure your self balancing scooter is charged. You can’t learn how to ride on a
dead hoverboard. Turn the power on and put it on the ground in front of you,
with the LED lights facing forward (honestly, there’s really no true front or
back, but we just think it looks weird with the LED lights facing backwards).
If your self balancing scooter has different ride modes like the RoboTTurbo
Hoverboard does, make sure it’s set on Entry/Beginner mode so you can start off
easy. Start by putting one foot on the hoverboard (preferably your dominant
foot). Using this foot, put the board into an upright, level riding position.
When you’re ready, lift your other foot off the ground and step onto the
hoverboard. Don’t overthink it, just step on naturally like you’re walking up
stairs.These are designed to electronically balance you out once you have both
feet on, so the hoverboard will help you. You could also try doing this next to
a wall or something to hold onto in case your balance isn’t that great.
Step 2: Moving on the hoverboard.
Now that you’ve gotten
your balance down, you can actually start riding your hoverboard (because
that’s really what you came here to learn, right?). Making your hoverboard move
is easy, but there’s definitely a learning curve to it. It’s a simple concept:
you move forward and backward by leaning, or shifting your weight. You will
probably wobble around at first, but that’s fine. It happens to all of us.
Learning how to ride a hoverboard takes a little time. You will become much
more stable once you get some real riding time in.
Step 3: Turning the hoverboard.
Turning your hoverboard is
a similar concept. Each side of the hoverboard is independent, so you can twist
each side. Imagine you’re standing on the board. To turn left, push your right
foot forward, and to turn right, push your left foot forward. This independent
foot pressure gives the twisting motion that physically moves the board.We
recommend starting out with slow, controlled turns before getting into the
quick spins. Spinning is a lot of fun once you get good at riding! You can use
your skills to spin quickly in place, or if you all want to change it up, some
people even use their hoverboard for dance routines (apparently it’s called
Friday, 4 March 2016
Hoverboard - Self-balancing Scooter
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Technically, a hoverboard is a levitating platform
(that looks like a skateboard without wheels) that can be used for personal
transportation. The term was invented for the movie Back to the Future
II, where protagonist Marty McFly travels into the future to discover that
teenagers are riding on levitating boards without wheels. Although
self-balancing scooters don't actually hover, people have adopted the term
"hoverboard" as a more colloquial way to refer to the vehicles—mainly
because it sounds cooler.
How Do They Work?
Self-balancing scooters have a few basic components:
a gyroscope to determine the pitch or balance of the machine, motors that keep
the board balanced and move it forward, microprocessors to manage power output
to the motors, and large batteries to fuel the device. The most important
function of a self-balancing scooter is (you guessed it!) remaining upright. In
order to do this, microprocessors in the vehicle monitor the direction a rider
is leaning. The gyroroscope, also connected to the microprocessors, helps
gather information about the tilt of the board. Motors inside the board change
power output to keep the rider balanced. Every self-balancing scooter is
different, meaning that each one uses a different battery, set of
microprocessors, and motors.
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Types of hover board according the wheel size For more information,please click the link |